Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Return To The Blog.

It's been a LONG time since I've posted, but I had to share last night's work experience:

   I am there at work buffing the front end, and my co-worker/friend stops me. He tells me to meet him at the front doors, where he was. He and I both smelled something real funky, but was not sure what it was. I knew I was familiar with the odor, but was only guessing. We decided to try to find the source, and my friend did just that...
 The smell was coming from not just one but SEVERAL rotted watermelons. It was...UUUGGGGGHHHH!!!! We got the stuff to take care of it, and told management. There is light in this situation. The managers were so disgusted by it, that they were oblivious to our comments. We kept spouting off our thoughts and examples of the smell.  

When we were putting them into a basket, they cratered on us. Juice..NASTY, ROTTED, UG juice got all over the floor. This along with chunks of mushy watermelon. It made the dead hold their noses. I popped with the comment: "This smells like child birth!". I guess, that sight, along with that mental image was too much for our overnight co-manager to take. He proceeded to open the front entrance doors, and step out. My friend and I were so busy laughing, cutting up, and carrying on that we hardly realized we could have got into trouble for our comments.  Then, our overnight Assistant walked over to the doors and asked: "What is that smell?"

 My friend  responded to her question with: "It looks like salsa after you drank too much on Saturday night!". I died laughing.
The support manager was helping us load up the watermelons, and was laughing too. The look on their faces was priceless. They were horrified, disgusted, and I'd like to think...slightly amused by our comic relief.  We broke like several polices by our comments, but it was so worth it. 

 If anyone does, did, or thinking about purchasing watermelons from our store...DON'T!!! They are funk-eh.  In conclusion, my friend scrubbed the fool out of the floor and got it cleaned up. I came along, and mopped it. Then, we made sure it got baptised in apple sented de-odorizer. We gave ourselves mini-baths in soap and water, then went to lunch.

I  may not work in the best place, by far..but that is one of the best nights I've had in the whole five years I've been there.

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