Monday, December 14, 2009

Thoughts For The Day

I may not know what tomorrow holds, or IF there will even be a tomorrow..all I know is now. Have you ever given much thought on what we could be doing when we spend our time getting upset? When we take the minutes, hours, days, years, ect. on holding grudges? It's something ponder, definatlely.

One of my friend's mom's, whom was also one of church's sweetest ladies, passed away Tuesday. She was a very dear friend of mine, even if she was older. She was a inspiration not only to me, but to almost anyone she ever came into contact with. She was human, she had "down moments"...but you would never see it. She always sought the best in everyone, even if you hurt her..she forgave you in the same breath. I never met any quiet like her, she was "one of a kind". Miss Rita will truly be missed, but I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

With this happening, it kind of made me think about life. Why not live your life like that? No regrets, because you won't give the time to let it bother you? Let it roll off your back, shake it off, and be done with it. What could you possibly be upset about, if you don't give it the effort? Too long I've been a downer, a complainer, a ranter...if you will. Why? It does not define who I am, but it does say a lot about my character. It has been said: "It's what you leave behind when you go". What kind of impression, legacy, memories will others have for me when my time is done? I truly stand behind the whole "don't impress anybody" belief, but how different would it be if you left a good life?

I mean, it's the same song and dance when there's no "try" in it. I say I'm going to stop complaining, and start being a more cheerful person...but if I don't put forth the effort...then that makes me a hypocrite. I am NOT perfect, NO ONE is. However, I can strive to reach my goals..that I can do. One of my many goals is too be more calm spirited...and it's achievable. So don't waste your time on "ninny" little things, or petty problems. Focus on what's in store, and aim to reach that. So something bugged you, life got you down, you're one big emo's a choice to remain in that state. Let it go, I mean...really put the strength and effort to "forget about it". Nothing is impossible, it's just going to take some work.
I saw a case of this with this dear lady's life, and what an impression she has left with those who knew her. She was a pioneer, and a hero to some. No she was no saint, and I'm not saying she's the next "leader" but what I am saying is that anything you strive for can be reached. Everyone has been saying Miss Rita was "love" in one word, I have heard that one the most it seems. What a life! I'm definitely going to put forth a better, more enthusiastic effort into molding into the person I could be. I cannot do this alone, I'm going to have to work real hard at it. I just ask everyone to help me, by supporting my efforts...and if you feel inspired...then kudos to you! I will also stand behind you. This woman has inspired me, and I just want to share her wisdom with anyone who cares.

Calling this one a close because it's almost noon and I am tired, also have to work tonight. I hope I didn't bore anyone, and I hope all has a good day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Aaaww! Work..(Not suprising).

Like complete randomness for this morning. Nothing new, though. I have found the strangest things at my job in my 3 years of working there. Like last week..almost anyway..I found a piece of some animal. That's like, not a joke. I want to say it was a dog, or a coyote..but it's hard to find out from a single limb. Here's a pic of it if you're disturbing, such as myself.

I also happen to LIKE snow. I apologize to those who disagree, or otherwise have a different opinion on it. I'm Texas born and Texas raised, but I enjoy every little spit of snow we get. We haven't had much to brag about, at least in my years, but I actually got some proof God hit us good. Here is a pic of the beautiful white frozen night we had at work the other day. Isn't it purdy? Oh well, I thought so anyway.

Okay. Believe it or not, that's all about work today!!!! It's like 10:38, I've been off since 7, Josh is playing on his PS3, I'm on the computer (obviously), the cats are sleeping..and that's about all there is to report. WOW! Right? Yea...anyways. So, I may not have the most interesting things to blog about...but WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?! J/K. I think I might go to bed now, or see if Tom & Jerry is on. I hope everyone has a great day!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Myself, Signing Off on A Few Things...

So, a new day...a new start. I've already stated that "busy-bodies" were one of my pet peeves in my previous blog. I have my reasons, and for times sake I won't go through them all. My main thing is that they're always wanting in your business mainly on RELATIONSHIPS. My personal view on that subject is: it's that person's business and no one else's. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be with my husband. I am very happy and fufilled in our relationship. That's just exactly what it is though...OUR relationship. If we fight, we fight..if we forgive, we forgive. I don't believe anyone else has to know the details and contents of what goes on "behind closed doors". If you aren't God, then what business do you have knowing all of my personal business? What gets me is people are addicted to relationships like a mouse on pez! It's crazy! If you are with someone, good for you. If you aren't, good for you too. That's my view on it. Why does it matter who you're with, why you're with them, if you're with anyone..ect? It doesn't define someone. It doesn't really set someone's character. I'm just one of those people that I believe that's your business. If you aren't one to discuss your personal life, well kudos to you. It's not like you're obligated too. So, why does the majority of the world pressure you into giving up you're privacy? People are just...they're frustrating.

Okay, so like then there's the big one...RELIGION. Oh yes! I went there. It's no secret that not everyone on this earth shares the same beliefs. We have had many wars fought, and many veterans pay the price to give us that right. That should never be taken for granted, by the way. It's called freedom, and as they say, "it is not free". Be very grateful for it. My personal belief is that The good Lord is the king of Kings, and the one true God. I accepted Him as my personal Savior back in 2001. I believe that only God alone knows my heart, and He is my one true judge. Not everyone shares this belief with me. I don't expect them too, and I don't condemn them. I just believe that whatever, whomever you should know why. It takes more then just raising the signs, and wearing the label. It's more than just words you say, or meetings you attend. I believe that unless you know all about it, then you're just a poser. It's about dedication, and acceptance. It's about making sacrifices. Do you think Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for his beliefs because he had nothing better to do? I believe this man had a vision. He didn't just "go with the flow", he stood behind and for what he felt was right. If you weren't a "follower" of M.L.K Jr., he didn't let it stop him. He did not let it hinder his goal. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what the cost. If you aren't willing to die for it, or be proud of it...then stop wasting your time. Know all about it, before you profess it. There is a truth out there, will you be misguided or seek it for yourself?

Okay, anyways...thinking here. Don't have really much left to say. I could go on about addictions, but there is just too many to list. My definition for addiction is: "Something/ someone that takes over your whole life and manipulates one into believing they cannot function without it". Again, that can be numerous things. I don't believe there is anything wrong with gaming, technology, or the latest in electronics. Man has just gone and put negativity in all of it. In my opinion, it is not wrong to have an email. Someone else had to ruin the innocence of it, by introducing porn. I choose not to look at that sort of material, but I don't believe I'm wrong for continuing to email. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, cursing, and smoking are probably the most popular/and known addictions. To borrow a line from Kenny Rodgers "The Gambler": "Know when to walk away, no one to run". Everything has an off button, or a quitting time. Any questions on ethics and morality on the things that we come into contact with, you should ask your conscience. Don't get me wrong, whomever said: "let your conscience be your guide"...they deceived you. But give yourself the honesty test on any decision.

Okay, seriously...that's it. I'm spent, tired, and just rambling on now. Good night my peoples have a good day.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Slight Randomness.

Okay. Just a few things for this morning.
First, don't you just hate it when the "most annoying person" in the world opens their mouth?
I don't mean your enemy, I just mean that little twurp who gets on your nerves? I had one of those nights last night. I could have "decked the halls" with him. I didn't though. I have to remember it's not the proper, Christian things to do. I did turn the other cheek. I just wonder how God could have patience with morons like this individual.

Also, it's a new month. They say: "The most wonderful time of the year". I say, it's the most expensive, and busiest. If you have family or friends your close to, I encourage you to talk to them. You should ANY day of the year, but for some reason everyone likes to wait until the holiday's to do so. Sometimes you have the really hard-loving relatives, though it is wise to avoid them on least send them a card in spirit of the holiday. Just write something from the heart like: "Merry Christmas, I hope you get a personality for the new year".

Tonight is the Christmas Party for work, whoop-de-doo! Is all I have to say about that. One would think if you actually desire a big turn out, maybe you should give your employee's a better notice then 3 days. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go. Even The good Lord rested on the sabbath, and it's Sunday. I have to work tonight on top of that so...yea, thanks but no thanks. If I want to experience the same excitement I might get from going...I'll just go to the nursing home and watch two men race to the restroom. That's entertaining!!! J/K.

I have no problem with insightful knowledge from the wise..A*K*A "advice". There are people who have been around much, much longer than me and they have seen some things. These people I respect, and admire in some ways. I don't believe I've had the troubles they experienced in their youth, I may never get to. I have, and continue to see negativism, but I'm just "my prime" if you will. Anyhow, my point being if you haven't been around that long...then why "school me"? Some peope just have no idea what they're talking about. They are what I'd like to call "busy bodies". I mean, with all dues of respect...I have a mom. I'm guided by the Good Lord above when it comes to making decisions, and I think I have pretty good head on my shoulders. I'm not saying I know everything, because I don't and NEVER will...I'm just saying that I'm not a little kid anymore. I say if you have nothing better to do then tell people how messed up their lives are, and how much they need to change....maybe you're the one that needs to grow up. People grow wise but shutting their mouths and listening once in a while. When 's the last time these people did that?

Okay. So like now that I'm bored, and I have an hour to Sunday school...I'm calling this one a wrap. My words of wisdom for the day: "Trust is the bind that holds man together".

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just One of "Those Days"

Okay. So, it was just one of "those days". You know, when everything starts off pretty good then there's that 1 thing or person who just...ruins it? EEERRR!!! I had one of those situatons last night.
If I do something wrong, or screw up...I need correcting. I am not above authority, and I am not out to cause trouble. But, where do people get off thinking it's necessary to be condescending and rude? Regardless of whether or not I'm in the wrong, name-calling is not the proper way to address it. Let's just get this straight, my name is what I prefer to be called. It's not homey, sweetheart, baby, sugar, missy, darling, yo, woman...ect.

Okay enough of that emo session. Isen't it also funny how the weather seems to coincide perfectly with your mood? It's dark, gloomy, and a bit nippy out there. That's pretty much how I feel. I feel like the sky just getting covered up, and crowded with the clouds. Sure they will pass, but not without a little storm. What's life without a storm though, huh? It's not that you won't get them, because you's toughing it out until it's over. It's about taking cover because it's gonna be a tuff one.

Good news is I'm home now. Back to my real life, back to my family and my home, back to a hot Whataburger breakfast. On top of that, it's Sunday. Even The Lord rested on the sabbath. I may have to work tonight, but I'm embracing my sabbath anyway. I'm choosing to take a rest from the evil ways of ol' Egyptland, and letting it go for the day. I said I was going to rant, here it is.

Remember this in times of trouble: cows are brutally slaughtered everyday so you can enjoy those burgers, beef jerkey, warm leather wear, and various other things. What does that have to do with anything you might ask? I don't know, but it got your mind of your troubles for a second right? Alright well I'm calling this a rap now, I'm going to cut it short to borrow one of my friend's catch phrases:
"peace out, yo"-Z.M.

Friday, November 27, 2009

"Black Friday" Diagnosis for 2009.

So, by the grace of God, I made it through "Black Friday" @ ol' egyptland.
It was totally jammed packed busy. If you weren't there, missed it thankful! There were people everywhere. I didn't even use the bathroom all night because I couldn't find 5 free minutes to myself. What I don't understand is the thing didn't start until 5, so why did we have people coming at like midnight/1AM? I don't know!!! They must be retarded, or desperate.

Then, I was on my own. I mean, there were 3 guys from the floor crew..but management pulled them somewhere else all night. Most the time I saw them, they were helping at the doors. I had to clean up Thanksgiving meal twice because I was told not to throw it away the first time. I know my job, and it's best done when other's back me up..preferably someone of authoritive figure. But, that's life huh? At least I made it through in one piece. I finally went potty when I got home, and had a nice bath. Chilled for a little. So, mission accomplished for the day. I officially call these a day, it's night/night time for me.
Later much,

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart". -Anne Frank

Now that I'm a bit older, I've come to understand a few things. One of them is that people will always let you down. It is up to you to let it break you, or make you. I've been hurt in my lifetime, I've had people upset me..make me mad. I have had my whole world instantly change around me. I chose and continue to choose, not to let it destroy me. I open my eyes to the truth, that I am still blessed. I know on any given day, I can call on those I truly care about..and they will be there. So enough of the "life stinks" attitude, and be proud of the life you have.

When your life seems to have come to a screeching halt, and your bitter or confused..laugh. Laugh at the fact that you allowed yourself to get so upset about something you most likely won't remember in 20 years. Laugh at something one of your friends told you, that made you smile. Laughter is a reminder that inside us all, is a sense of humor. If you don't have one, you don't have a personality. These people are going to be the bitter old men/women living the rest of their lives in regret. Choose to "live above" the curse.

Work and material possessions are nice to have..but do not let these things overshadow what brings you true happiness. I like being able to support myself. I also like having a phone, computer, cd player..but these aren't what I require to be happy. If I had none of these things, but still have at least 1 friend I could laugh at stupid stuff with...I'm fortunate. So enough Dr. Phil diagnosis hoob-la. If I could offer words of wisdom it would be this: "Life is what you make of it, so don't spend your time complaining". Seriously, whatever the problem totally, move on. Just get your drink and snack on, and surround yourself with your favorite people.
"And that one will inspire all to rise above the wickedness and anger, and dwell in the new land of freedom & laughter"....and I'm so full of it! But, it sounded insightful huh? I am no prophet, or poet so...anyways..later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Just Saying..

Okay. Have you ever noticed how someone reminds you of someone else? Either they look just like 'em or say things that remind you of someone else? I have noticed a few of those. (Note: If you don't work w/ me, or have worked @ my employer for a while, you won't get it).

  • I have noticed first that Tina from overnights, or formerly rather, looks like Dee Snider "Twisted Sister. I mean, look at this you not notice?
  • Then, I noticed that my boss's little sweater reminds me of Mr. Rogers, or even Urkle.
  • My co-worker, Joe, reminds me of the little guy on a Pringles can. If you saw him, you'd understand. He's just missing some sunglasses.

  • This "look-alike" may be considered the meanest, but can clearly be seen. A certain overnight CSM fits all the facial characteristics, but I don't want to mention names. She's known my family too long, No, she's not Teresa. Just look at that chin? Who else has it?

  • There is 1 man, whom never changes at the ever-changing store. I am referring to the "mouth" of the store, Dunk. When I look at him I expect him to say: "It's-a me!".

  • These next 3 aren't necessarily "dead-ringers", but there is something about them that is similiar to their comparisons.
  1. Cathy "people-greeter", reminds me of a classic Cabbage Patch Kid.
  2. Manuel "Department Mng. of Frozen)" can almost remind of you of Borat...
  3. Then there's Zack (I had to go there). He's a good friend of mine, let's give it up for Mr. Zack's hair! (applause). When the wind's messed it up & with his texture he is awesome enough to pass for Mr. Ace Ventura.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Egypt Land"

(Before I start, know that these are just my personal opinions, and nothing more...)

I've been here on this earth for almost 22 years, and I have learned that sometimes life just stinks. I have a happy life, completed with people I can really's just work for me. I don't mind working, I wasn't raised to be lazy. I just feel that my place of work is a real drag.

I see good people get treated poorly, and the people who need to be somewhere else..praised. Where's the logic in that? Sometimes I feel like Moses and I just want to shout: "LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!!". I just know that if my boss is Pharaoh, then he's not what I expected him to look like. Would be fun to send plagues though. Anyhow, it would seem in my 3 years, we have lost quiet a few associates. Either they died, quit, or were terminated. Some people had it coming, but some people I feel fell victims to conspiracy. They did their job, and did it well...just not well enough for the so-called "new" standards.

Lately when I leave work, I almost hesitate to say: "See you tomorrow, or later"..because I may not. Sadly, they may die of a heart attack or get fired by the time I come back. It's like a curse, so don't say it. I feel like we're all a bunch of ants. We prepare forcefully, and productively to get the job done...and then it rains. Then, it doesn't matter how hard you have to do it over. You also won't get appreciated, cause it all goes to the queen anyway. You work for her. you, as an individual, don't matter. You work like the others.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's like slavery. We do get at least two breaks, even though if you miss it..that's your problem. You don't have time for another one. One of these days one of us will rise up. A leader will come forth amongst our mist, fight the ev-il that we face, and rise above. One will conquer and a new era will be born!!! that's going to happen. I stopped believing in fairy tales. Does sound nice though huh?

At the end of the day, I still put some towards a paycheck. God still takes care of me in that I have a home, I have food to eat, and I'm still breathing. Those are things that I am truly thankful for. Those are the things that no job has ever brought me, but faith.

"They can never take my freedom! FFFREEEEE-DOOOOOMMMM"!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Have you ever noticed that almost every commercial for any medicine always has a kajillion side effects that "may" occur? I'm not familiar with this T.V. thing, but I have noticed that.

What's pathetic is that the really good medicines are super expensive and usually work HALF the time. Truth is, your only paying for the name brand. If you should take anti-depressants, for example, it'll tell you that it may cause: dizziness, nauseousness, drowsiness...and so forth. Why would you want to do that? Sure you won't be depressed, you'll just feel light-headed and have diarrhea. How nice, huh?

They also tell you that "you shouldn't take this medicine if you are blah, blah, blah.." or "it's not for everyone". Why advertise it then? Seems like if your pregnant, nursing, may become pregnant, have a history of high blood pressure, diabetic or something're up chocolate creek w/out a Popsicle stick. Perhaps that's why the wise look to prayer, or faith for relief.

Remember that taking medicines are completely up to you, but at least you know the risks. If your fortunate enough to have insurance, or insurance covers the meds you need...then you're good. They're just ridiculously expensive, work so/so, make you feel crummy & have the most fake, retarded adds I have ever seen.

If I ever started a pharmaceutical of my own the slogan would say something like: "try this-it has a 50/50% chance it will work, it guarantees you'll feel miserable, it's completely out of your budget BUT it comes in flavors!!! oooh!!! How nice huh? Anyway, have a nice day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Caution: Personal Hygiene.

Okay. Do you remember when you were a kid, your mom and dad always told you to wash your hands? It would seem that something so simple and easy to remember has seemed to escape our daily routine.

As of sometime this year, The Swine Flu has reached the level of a pandemic. Once one gets this horrible, skanky're pretty much stuck with it. Sure they have vaccinations, but how many are available? Josh and I had our Dr.'s visit today, and he asked if I would like to receive the shot for H1N1. He said that it can effect 1 out of every 5 pregnant women, and once they get it...there dead. It is that serious and that fatal. I'm just putting out the thought that maybe we should REALLY wash our hands, cover our mouths, sanitize any personal hygiene aids, and if you even feel a little bad...STAY HOME!!!!

I am cursed...excuse me..I have the "honor" of working with some people who have poor hygiene habits. I have seen them sneeze fluids into their hands, and IF they's usually on their clothes. Most of the time it goes in the air and waits to catch an unsuspecting victim such as myself. It would be funnier if this were not true. I am just saying to please be on your best guard for those very infectious bacteria germs that linger in our world. If you have never used Germ-X or Purell,..I highly recommend it. ANY hand sanitizer for that matter.

Remember if you are sick, your ARE contagious. There is no if, ands, or just are. Do not, unless it is absolutely necessary, leave your house until you are medically cleared. You could, and probably will, spread it to someone else. If you should see me anywhere while you are sick, please...STAY CLEAR OF ME!!! I don't want what you have, and I don't need it. I'll pray you get better, just help yourself by working on a speedy recovery.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walmart VS H-E-B.

Awww, The advantages to living in a small town! You pretty much have 2 shopping options:
  1. HEB
  2. Walmart
Which one do you go to? For me, personally, I usually end up going to Wally world. That has nothing to do with the fact that I work there, it's just that it offers more than groceries. I don't get out much, but when I do I have 1 mission: get in, get out, go home. To often I find myself trapped in the "black hole" A*K*A Walmart.

I love my friends & family deeply, but if you don't talk to me any other time just cause, then why wait until I see you in the aisle & tell me your life story? If I don't know "who dumped who", "who's pregnant", "who's dating who", "who quit there job", and so forth...I"M NOT MISSING ANYTHING!!!

My adventures to ol' Sam's store would be great if I could just avoid those pesky Oprah moments. Is there an escape? I don't think so. Even H-E-B drives me insane. Why? Because the baskets are big enough for a small family's grocery trip but not for a months "supply", if you will. Then, if you are fortunate enough to cram all your goods in 1 basket, you have to wait in 1 of the incredibly long lines at the whole 3 open registers! Wow!

Oh! And how could I forget one of the most important factors: Service. At HEB, you'll get service. A good 3 times out of 5 you'll get the high school bubble-gum airhead who can barely count the change in the register OR you'll get the lost, spaced-out moron who doesn't even know where the bathroom is. Sure, "everything is better" there.
Over at the other place-We have the disgrunted, bitter old woman who hasen't had her break & could care less about what you want OR you have the cocky, slow, guy who is obviosly only there for a paycheck & isn't much help to any customer.

Where to shop in this town is completely up to you. Remember some of these factors when you do go, and try not to dwell in either one to long. You'll either be one of those "wierd grocery regulars", or you'll be a store rat. My advice is to just get what you need to survive & go home. And as always, Thank you for shopping at your local "IDON"TCAREABOUTYOURSLOGAN" supercenter.