Monday, December 7, 2009

Myself, Signing Off on A Few Things...

So, a new day...a new start. I've already stated that "busy-bodies" were one of my pet peeves in my previous blog. I have my reasons, and for times sake I won't go through them all. My main thing is that they're always wanting in your business mainly on RELATIONSHIPS. My personal view on that subject is: it's that person's business and no one else's. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be with my husband. I am very happy and fufilled in our relationship. That's just exactly what it is though...OUR relationship. If we fight, we fight..if we forgive, we forgive. I don't believe anyone else has to know the details and contents of what goes on "behind closed doors". If you aren't God, then what business do you have knowing all of my personal business? What gets me is people are addicted to relationships like a mouse on pez! It's crazy! If you are with someone, good for you. If you aren't, good for you too. That's my view on it. Why does it matter who you're with, why you're with them, if you're with anyone..ect? It doesn't define someone. It doesn't really set someone's character. I'm just one of those people that I believe that's your business. If you aren't one to discuss your personal life, well kudos to you. It's not like you're obligated too. So, why does the majority of the world pressure you into giving up you're privacy? People are just...they're frustrating.

Okay, so like then there's the big one...RELIGION. Oh yes! I went there. It's no secret that not everyone on this earth shares the same beliefs. We have had many wars fought, and many veterans pay the price to give us that right. That should never be taken for granted, by the way. It's called freedom, and as they say, "it is not free". Be very grateful for it. My personal belief is that The good Lord is the king of Kings, and the one true God. I accepted Him as my personal Savior back in 2001. I believe that only God alone knows my heart, and He is my one true judge. Not everyone shares this belief with me. I don't expect them too, and I don't condemn them. I just believe that whatever, whomever you should know why. It takes more then just raising the signs, and wearing the label. It's more than just words you say, or meetings you attend. I believe that unless you know all about it, then you're just a poser. It's about dedication, and acceptance. It's about making sacrifices. Do you think Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for his beliefs because he had nothing better to do? I believe this man had a vision. He didn't just "go with the flow", he stood behind and for what he felt was right. If you weren't a "follower" of M.L.K Jr., he didn't let it stop him. He did not let it hinder his goal. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what the cost. If you aren't willing to die for it, or be proud of it...then stop wasting your time. Know all about it, before you profess it. There is a truth out there, will you be misguided or seek it for yourself?

Okay, anyways...thinking here. Don't have really much left to say. I could go on about addictions, but there is just too many to list. My definition for addiction is: "Something/ someone that takes over your whole life and manipulates one into believing they cannot function without it". Again, that can be numerous things. I don't believe there is anything wrong with gaming, technology, or the latest in electronics. Man has just gone and put negativity in all of it. In my opinion, it is not wrong to have an email. Someone else had to ruin the innocence of it, by introducing porn. I choose not to look at that sort of material, but I don't believe I'm wrong for continuing to email. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, cursing, and smoking are probably the most popular/and known addictions. To borrow a line from Kenny Rodgers "The Gambler": "Know when to walk away, no one to run". Everything has an off button, or a quitting time. Any questions on ethics and morality on the things that we come into contact with, you should ask your conscience. Don't get me wrong, whomever said: "let your conscience be your guide"...they deceived you. But give yourself the honesty test on any decision.

Okay, seriously...that's it. I'm spent, tired, and just rambling on now. Good night my peoples have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with a lot of that.

    Personally I don't give a shit about people's relationships or religion. That stuff is boring. There's a WHOLE world of things to talk about besides OMGDRAMA, like food, or videogames, OR BLOODY FECES-STAINED SOCKS YOU FIND IN THE TOILET! 0_O (still can't get that outta my head).

    lol PCE
