Sunday, December 6, 2009

Slight Randomness.

Okay. Just a few things for this morning.
First, don't you just hate it when the "most annoying person" in the world opens their mouth?
I don't mean your enemy, I just mean that little twurp who gets on your nerves? I had one of those nights last night. I could have "decked the halls" with him. I didn't though. I have to remember it's not the proper, Christian things to do. I did turn the other cheek. I just wonder how God could have patience with morons like this individual.

Also, it's a new month. They say: "The most wonderful time of the year". I say, it's the most expensive, and busiest. If you have family or friends your close to, I encourage you to talk to them. You should ANY day of the year, but for some reason everyone likes to wait until the holiday's to do so. Sometimes you have the really hard-loving relatives, though it is wise to avoid them on least send them a card in spirit of the holiday. Just write something from the heart like: "Merry Christmas, I hope you get a personality for the new year".

Tonight is the Christmas Party for work, whoop-de-doo! Is all I have to say about that. One would think if you actually desire a big turn out, maybe you should give your employee's a better notice then 3 days. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go. Even The good Lord rested on the sabbath, and it's Sunday. I have to work tonight on top of that so...yea, thanks but no thanks. If I want to experience the same excitement I might get from going...I'll just go to the nursing home and watch two men race to the restroom. That's entertaining!!! J/K.

I have no problem with insightful knowledge from the wise..A*K*A "advice". There are people who have been around much, much longer than me and they have seen some things. These people I respect, and admire in some ways. I don't believe I've had the troubles they experienced in their youth, I may never get to. I have, and continue to see negativism, but I'm just "my prime" if you will. Anyhow, my point being if you haven't been around that long...then why "school me"? Some peope just have no idea what they're talking about. They are what I'd like to call "busy bodies". I mean, with all dues of respect...I have a mom. I'm guided by the Good Lord above when it comes to making decisions, and I think I have pretty good head on my shoulders. I'm not saying I know everything, because I don't and NEVER will...I'm just saying that I'm not a little kid anymore. I say if you have nothing better to do then tell people how messed up their lives are, and how much they need to change....maybe you're the one that needs to grow up. People grow wise but shutting their mouths and listening once in a while. When 's the last time these people did that?

Okay. So like now that I'm bored, and I have an hour to Sunday school...I'm calling this one a wrap. My words of wisdom for the day: "Trust is the bind that holds man together".

1 comment:

  1. LOL deck the halls, I'mma hafta rememberize that one. IMO God would just strike that individual down.

    I hate Christmas. It's not even technically the birth of Christ, it's just bullshit commercialism. Not complaining about presents and food though, so I guess I'm a hypocrite.

    Yeah, screw the Christmas party. Ten bucks says Tim gets hopped up on Jack Daniels, strips butt-ass naked and fucks the turkey. Except that turkey is Andrew. 0_o

    I don't know who is giving you advice, but hopefully it's not me because everyone who has taken my advice has had misfortune befallen upon them. Gypsy curse.

    And trust may be the bind that holds man together, but American Pie taught me that glue works too.
