Friday, November 27, 2009

"Black Friday" Diagnosis for 2009.

So, by the grace of God, I made it through "Black Friday" @ ol' egyptland.
It was totally jammed packed busy. If you weren't there, missed it thankful! There were people everywhere. I didn't even use the bathroom all night because I couldn't find 5 free minutes to myself. What I don't understand is the thing didn't start until 5, so why did we have people coming at like midnight/1AM? I don't know!!! They must be retarded, or desperate.

Then, I was on my own. I mean, there were 3 guys from the floor crew..but management pulled them somewhere else all night. Most the time I saw them, they were helping at the doors. I had to clean up Thanksgiving meal twice because I was told not to throw it away the first time. I know my job, and it's best done when other's back me up..preferably someone of authoritive figure. But, that's life huh? At least I made it through in one piece. I finally went potty when I got home, and had a nice bath. Chilled for a little. So, mission accomplished for the day. I officially call these a day, it's night/night time for me.
Later much,

1 comment:

  1. I guess I was lucky to be off! I can only imagine what the store will look like tonight, though. >_<
