Monday, November 23, 2009

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart". -Anne Frank

Now that I'm a bit older, I've come to understand a few things. One of them is that people will always let you down. It is up to you to let it break you, or make you. I've been hurt in my lifetime, I've had people upset me..make me mad. I have had my whole world instantly change around me. I chose and continue to choose, not to let it destroy me. I open my eyes to the truth, that I am still blessed. I know on any given day, I can call on those I truly care about..and they will be there. So enough of the "life stinks" attitude, and be proud of the life you have.

When your life seems to have come to a screeching halt, and your bitter or confused..laugh. Laugh at the fact that you allowed yourself to get so upset about something you most likely won't remember in 20 years. Laugh at something one of your friends told you, that made you smile. Laughter is a reminder that inside us all, is a sense of humor. If you don't have one, you don't have a personality. These people are going to be the bitter old men/women living the rest of their lives in regret. Choose to "live above" the curse.

Work and material possessions are nice to have..but do not let these things overshadow what brings you true happiness. I like being able to support myself. I also like having a phone, computer, cd player..but these aren't what I require to be happy. If I had none of these things, but still have at least 1 friend I could laugh at stupid stuff with...I'm fortunate. So enough Dr. Phil diagnosis hoob-la. If I could offer words of wisdom it would be this: "Life is what you make of it, so don't spend your time complaining". Seriously, whatever the problem totally, move on. Just get your drink and snack on, and surround yourself with your favorite people.
"And that one will inspire all to rise above the wickedness and anger, and dwell in the new land of freedom & laughter"....and I'm so full of it! But, it sounded insightful huh? I am no prophet, or poet so...anyways..later.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was insightful! I need to apply this to my life and start being grateful for things that truly matter instead of being fixated on material possessions.
